Monday, September 12, 2005

Entry 0051: Walkabout

The term, "walkabout" came from Babylon 5, episode 3.18, where Dr. Franklin goes on a journey to discover his place in life.

I wanted to go for a walkabout too, as I am hoping to have a time gap between my current job and the coming job, about 10~15 days, allowing me to go for a trip the backpacker way…currently doing research on the route…

Too many things clouded me at the moment…I wasn’t sure what I want, or should I say I don’t know what am I living for, for wealth, like what Robert Kiyosaki suggest? For happiness? Self satisfactions? Luxuries?

Am I thinking all these because I have too many free time?

Hope to have the answer before it’s too late…

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Entry 0050: ex-Seal

Met Dr. K.S in a underwater photography seminar. I would say that it was rather a physic class than a photography guide...He talk about optical physics, water pressure, etc.

When he mention he used to dive alone, I wonder…it is because divers dive in pairs as best practice. And later he told me he was in seal, and that answer all the questions. You can get all the toughest physical training a human can stand there…

The session bring back my passion towards diving. Need to get my Open Water License...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Entry 0049: 捨

絕情谷要完了上個拜五聽倪震講到有重要是要宣佈﹐又話天下無不散之筵席﹐我都估到是要完結了。03 10 月開騷﹐05 9 月尾完結﹐都算是兩年吧﹗

今天聽 live 的絕情谷﹐我果然冇估錯﹐真是有點想哭的感覺不知不覺﹐絕情谷已經陪伴著我度過了年多的歲月﹐亦算學了不少o野。

老實講﹐未聽絕情谷之前﹐我對倪震是冇好感的。在這一段日子﹐我都對他改觀了不少。至于細 Jo 呢﹐如果不是絕情谷﹐我可能到現在都不認識幽靈人間的那個女鬼﹑豪情的崔波波﹑我要做 Model 的戰衣我想說﹐細 Jo偶然表露出來的野蠻本色好過癮啊﹗

絕情谷教的﹐愛就要說出來﹐大 Joe Jo﹐我愛你們﹗

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Entry 0048: 感動

