Saturday, August 27, 2005
Entry 0047: the butterfly effect
故 事發生在20世紀初﹐在美國的一個小鎮裡。小鎮有一間教堂﹐在一個星期天﹐牧師看見有個小女孩沒有位子坐﹐站在一旁。牧師眼見小女孩的衣裳有點破舊﹐覺 得小女孩應該是來自比較貧窮的家庭﹐而被比較富有的小孩排擠在外。牧師覺得教會的愛應該是無私的﹐於是他抱起小女孩﹐找了個位子給她坐。小女孩小小的心靈 也感覺到牧師的愛﹐於是她在心裡做了一個決定。
很不幸的﹐兩年之後﹐貧窮的小女孩因病去世了。女孩的父母親知道她生前最喜歡去教堂的主日 學﹐於是在小女孩的告別儀式上請來了牧師。就在牧師抱起小女孩的 時候﹐一個破舊的錢包掉了下來。錢包裡面有一張小字條﹐上面寫著幾個歪歪斜斜的字﹕“這是獻給神﹐獻給教會的﹐希望牧師能把教堂建得大一點﹐讓更多的小朋 友能夠分享到教會的愛。”原來小女孩從兩年前就開始存這筆錢了。錢包裡一共有 $4.50﹐牧師感動得哭了起來。
$4.50 是不足夠去建設新的教堂﹐也不夠用以加建教堂﹐可是這件事被傳媒報導了出去﹐許多人都在說這個小女孩要用 $4.50 去起一間教堂的故事。於是有一個好心的富翁知道了這個故事﹐覺得很感動﹐於是拿出一塊地﹐用 $4.50 的價錢賣了給教會﹐只為了成全小女孩的心願。
不久之後﹐那一塊的已經變成一個可以容納三千人的教會﹐教堂大樓裡還包括一座醫院。小女孩盡了力存了 $4.50﹐可是她卻從來都沒有想過原來 $4.50 的威力是這麼大的。
我 們時時都覺得自己很渺小﹐覺得很多努力都會付諸流水﹐往往會被無情的現實打敗。其實只要不問成敗的付出努力﹐我們是不知道我們的努力會帶起怎麼樣的漣 漪。只要抱緊自己的夢想﹐夠堅持﹐有心﹐然後就象小女孩一樣一點一滴咁付諸於行﹐我們是不知道這樣會給這個世界帶來甚麼美好的事物的。
注﹕ 蝴蝶效應﹕混沌理論﹐美国气象学家洛伦芝(Lorenz)于1960年代提出一篇论文,名叫《一只蝴蝶拍一下翅膀会不会在德克萨斯州引起龙卷风?》, 他说,亚马逊流域的一只蝴蝶扇动翅膀,会掀起密西西比河流域的一场风暴。洛伦芝把这种现象戏称做"蝴蝶效应",意思即一件表面上看来毫无关系、非常微小的 事情,可能带来巨大的改变。
Friday, August 12, 2005
Entry 0046: tuesday with Morrie

Just finish reading the book "tuesday with Morrie"
It's a good book that inspires me a lot.
Throughout the reading process, I did some highlighting...
Page 43.
So many people walk around with a meaningless life.
That depends how you define meaningful...what did I use my time for most of the time?
I surf the Internet, I watch TV Series, I read Comics, and I talk to friends, relatives, and families. I buy model kits, but never assemble them, I download videos, e-books but I never have time to finish them all, I buy gashapon and place them all over my living room, and I listen to HK radio programs, and try to learn from it. I started reading, a hobby I had been neglected for a while. How many of the things I do now is actually meaningful?
Page 52.
Love is the only rational act.
I tasted love, it walk into my heart and it walk away, I felt lonely until I realize that there are different flavors of love surrounding me. I am still seeking love, while cherishing the love I have.
Page 82.
Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.
I am not immortal; there will be a time for me. My time might be far from now, or it might come tomorrow morning. I might not be able to see tomorrow sunrise, so, try to taste every different things before it’s too late…
Page 91.
Love each other or perish
Families are bond together by love, friends are bond by love. I still don’t have a soul mate yet, but I believe I’ll find my love.
Page 93.
There is no experience like having children.
I see friends having children, they enjoy every moment with the younglings, looking at them, I realize how my parents love me, how they were when I was young, before I have memories. Mom and dad, I love you.
Page 111.
Their wealth did not buy them happiness or contentment.
I am in a kind of bad situation right now because I aim for money, nothing but money. I learned the lesson.
Page 118.
You know what that reflects? Unsatisfied lives. Lives that haven’t found meaning. Because if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back.
I always wish I could go back to the early years of my life, made my choice again, walk a different path. The older I get, the more I think about the people I meet along the way. I begin to wonder, if I walk a different path, I wouldn’t have meet all these wonderful people, I wouldn’t taste the friendship this way. Things might turn out to be better but I am happy with what I have now.
Page 119.
envy comes to me, I feel it, and let it go.
Someone else always drives a better car, own a bigger house, have a better job. They can have what I want for life in a finger tip, am I gonna envy them, or I shall work towards them…
Page 149
Marriage: respect the other person, compromise, talk openly about what goes on between the two, and have a common set of values in life.
I believe in communications.
Page 157.
Invest in the human family. Invest in people. Build a little community of those you love and who love you.
I am doing that right now, even before I read this chapter. Guess I did something right after all.
Page 163.
Be compassionate, and take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons, this world would be so much better a place.
Page 164.
Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others.
It reminds me of my pass, all those mistake I made, and the mistake the others had made, it’s best to let it go.
Page 173.
We are different from these wonderful plants and animals.
Read the book and find out why.
Page 174.
Dead ends a life, not a relationship.
Love lives in a form of memories, as long as those who love you lives, you’ll lives among them. I lost an uncle recently, although I only met him once in my life, but I still feel him pretty much alive in my memories.
Page 190.
There is no such thing as “too late” in life.
Go ahead and tell those you love that you love them.
There are priorities in life, I’m still trying to define my list of priorities…
I might highlight a totally different portion of the book if I have the time to read it 10 years from now. I’ll just absorb what I learn from Morrie and Mitch this round.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Entry 0045: Flexible?
I found that I'm a lot happier after knowing that I got a way out. Looking foward to a island trip...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Entry 0044: 辭
I won’t want to be any part of this anymore…
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Entry 0043: 執著
I just had another discussion with D just now. We chit chat a bit, here and there and I quickly bring out the point that I am not really happy with my life right now. D talk a lot, aside from sharing how things works for him, he share his opinion on positioning oneself.
I am in a very deep shit situation, that’s undeniable. By positioning myself right, I can actually gain from it. How? I haven’t figured out, but I know what I am supposed to be considered.
I know why I am in this deep shit in the first place, I was looking for one thing only, I didn’t take anything other than my salary into consideration. “Remember sometimes you have to go low to fly high.” said D. If I can give up the figure right now, I don’t actually have much thing to worry about.
D also stated that reading is a habit, by committing yourself to read half an hour a day, you can actually accumulate a lot of reading hour, why am I not doing that?
D had doubt on the fact why am I not going after any romantic relationship…well, it’s important to have a companion but I just didn’t have the urge to make the move…am I not thinking straight?